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©2009 Mónica Diaz and Quídam

IMG2485aMónica Diaz lives in Mexico with her talented husband and three wonderful sons. She travels the world talking about her Aspirations Theory, Otheresteem and Truth in the Workplace. Her company, Quidam, specializes on personal and organizational development through The Human Element body of work, Q Model Coaching and other aspects of her work and that of her colleagues. You can find her English language blog at A gifted singer and songwriter, Monica enjoys the stage as much as the board room. An organizational consultant for almost 20 years, her work in this facet has taken her as a speaker, facilitator and trainer to the U.S.A., Chile, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Peru, Japan, Denmark and most of Mexico. The organization she leads distributes the HUMAN ELEMENT® and FIRO® materials, designed by William Schutz in the Spanish Language. She is widely recognized as a talented and experienced Human Element facilitator. In recent years she has incorporated two original designs into her work: the Q Coaching Model®, that she has authored and is in use around the world, and her most recent ASPIRATIONS THEORY, which drives her work EQ-ILLIBRIUM program, geared towards helping people to lead more authentic and balanced lives. She still enjoys working one on one with clients and coachees to develop creative ad-hoc programs to boost productivity and create sound organizational cultures.

Mónica is a woman of many interests, among which education is especially relevant. Her academic background includes a Bachelors Degree in Computer Science Engineering by Tecnológico de Monterrey as well as a Masters in Educational Leadership by Florida International University. She collaborated for 7 years full time with her alma mater in Mexico, where she had the opportunity to widen her teaching and counseling skills through the many training programs and development projects in which she participated, as well in her contact with high school and college students. She followed her interest into the development of multiple intelligences and combined her work with the ideas of her mentor and teacher, Will Schutz about what it means to be human. More recently, she has been interested in Montessori education, and exploring the parallels between Montessori and Schutzian concepts, as well as the work of Daniel Quinn, William Glasser and Edgar Morin, in a quest for modern educational models consistent with her own philosophy of work. "Otheresteem" is her first book, though she has written songs, theater, poetry and blogs in the past.

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